If you have a Sodastream you’ll know that the CO2 cylinders need to be swapped out and refilled every few months. If you live close to a Target or Bed Bath and Beyond, this is a simple task, but what if you don’t?
Sodastream’s 60L CO2 cylinders last about two months at one bottle of moderately fizzy sparkling water a day. But if you have a larger household or you work from home you might be going through these canisters are an alarming rapidly clip!
Sodastream used to sell a wonderfully large 130L canister, but it is basically impossible to find in 2021. The only model that currently supports this canister size is the Sodastream Jet, so it’s no surprise that the 130L size has been phased out.
So, how do you refill your CO2 canister if you don’t want to, or are unable, to go to a store?
How To Refill A SodaStream CO2 Cylinder Online
The easiest way to swap and refill your Sodastream CO2 canisters online, at least if you are a Prime subscriber is via Sodastream on Amazon.
For $65 you will get two 60 liter CO2 canisters and a $15 Amazon gift card.
Basically you pay the $65 for the two canisters delivered to your home. The box will include a USPS return label which you can use to send back the empty canisters via Sodastream’s exchange program (amazon.sodastream.com).
When when you send in your empty canisters you’ll get your $15 gift card. This will put your total spend at $25 per canister (with shipping) which isn’t too bad! A typical Sodastream refill in person will be $15, so you’ll take a hit for the shipping, but this is expected given the size and weight of these canisters.

Alternatively you can go directly through Sodastream. This way you’ll pay $15 for your first refill plus $15 shipping. For two canisters you’ll pay $15 each, plus $8 shipping (so two for $38). For three canisters direct you’ll pay $54 ($15 times 3 + $8).
At four canisters you’ll unlock free shipping, getting $15 per canister refills with a minimum of $60 spend. This is the same price as you’ll pay in person.
Why go with Amazon instead of Sodastream direct? Basically it’s up to you — Amazon offers convenience and faster shipping (2-day vs Sodastream’s 3+ day) but you’ll save money by going direct.