is a website that hope to help anyone looking to live in a safe, healthy, efficient living space. We feature news, guides, how-tos, tips, and other information about making your home, apartment, office, or any other space the best that it can possibly be with as little effort as possible.
The site is primarily concerned with the safety of you and your family, saving money through making better purchase decisions, and improving your understanding of all aspects of your home. was initially created in 2007 and then re-launched on YouTube. We continue to put videos there as often as possible. You will frequently see the videos appear on our website in order to better illuminate our written reviews. (You can check out this space heater review for a prime example of our product testing in action.)
We believe that finding the right products for your home shouldn’t be hard. We want to makes your product choices simple and effective, so you can go ahead and live your life. We’ll also try to provide tips on keeping a cleaner, easier, less stressful home for you and your loved ones.
About The Founder

I’m a father in New York. I have two wonderful kids (one girl, one boy) and I have a job. I have a wife who has a job. We’re trying to figure out how to be successful, happy parents. I think we’re doing an OK job of it. While I’m no expert, I wanted to share some of the knowledge I’ve acquired about products I’ve purchased, my trials and errors, things I’ve figured out, and so on. is where that happens.
Thanks for stopping by. This is a small, independently owned site that buys its own products (they are for my home) and sometimes uses affiliate links to make some money to support itself.
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